General DofE Support
See the Scout webpages on the DofE award here, the DofE website here and the participant support page here. eDofE support is available here.
If you cannot find an answer to your query, you should contact your District DofE Lead (contact here).
Process Guides
Enrolling new participants (including adding new award levels to existing participants)
Participants can enrol by completing the enrolment form. This is available on our enrolment page here.
Moving participants to a new unit in the County (including Explorers to Network)
District DofE Leads can move participants between units within your district. For moves between districts, you will need to contact the County DofE Lead.
Moving participants from outside of GLSW
Participants moving from outside of the County (including those registered with other organisations such as schools) will need to complete the enrolment form (there is an option to transfer existing enrolments as well as to enrol in a new level). This form is available on our enrolment page here.
Participants leaving GLSW Scouting
If a participant is leaving Scouting in GLSW, they will need to give their eDofE ID number to their new DofE Administrator or Coordinator, who can then transfer them in. If they are staying within Scouting, this will be their new County DofE Lead.
Once a participant is no longer a member of Scouting in GLSW, their account should be archived for data protection reasons. This does not prevent the transfer to a new centre.
Adding a leader to your unit on eDofE
Please contact the County DofE Lead. To be added, a leader must have a current full role in your unit team on the Scouts Membership System.
District 14-25 Team Leads will have access to all of their units, and District DofE Leads will have access to all units in their district.
Removing a leader from your unit on eDofE
Please inform the County DofE Lead whenever a leader no longer holds a full appointment with your unit. This is important so that eDofE is kept up to date.
Award Approval & Certificates
Approving sections
Any leader with your unit can approve a section. However, please make sure that the section fulfils all of the requirements as participants are reliant on their leaders to ensure that the award criteria are met.
If you have any doubts about whether or not a section is acceptable, you should contact your District DofE Lead.
Verification of awards (final approval)
Award verification is carried out by the County DofE Lead (for Bronze/Silver) or by the Scout Association (for Gold). Verification is done against the criteria set by the DofE, and so it is very important that these are met for all awards. If there are any potential issues with an award, then it will be queried and returned to the participant for correction.
Badges & Certificates
Badges and certificates are sent out to District DofE Leads periodically to distribute. If you are planning a presentation event and need these by a certain date, please contact the County DofE Adviser so that they can be prioritised.
For Bronze/Silver, participants will be presented with their certificate, pin badge, and uniform badge. For Gold, the pin badge and certificate are sent directly to the participant. A uniform badge will still be provided for local presentation however.
DofE Expedition Assessors/Supervisors
Qualifying as an Expedition Assessor/Supervisor
To become an accredited Expedition Assessor and Supervisor, you need to hold a full Scout role including a DBS check (Non-member roles are not sufficient). We add all qualified individuals to our County DofE Sub-Team to ensure that this requirement is met, and so that we can easily contact everyone that is qualified.
- Contact the County DofE Lead (contact here) to let them know you are planning to become accredited. If you do not have an eDofE account, you should request one here.
- Complete the Expedition Assessors / Supervisors learning pathway on the DofE platform.
- Register with the Scout Association (see below)
Registering with the Scout Association
To be able to assess for the Scouts, you need to demonstrate sufficient technical competence in order to support young people on their expeditions. This requirement can be demonstrated by:
- Having a Scout permit in the relevant mode of travel
- Holding an NGB qualification in the relevant mode of travel
- Providing a letter from the County DofE Lead (if you need a letter, please email giving your Scout Membership number and details of your relevant experience and qualifications)
If you have everything you need, you should inform the County DofE Lead (contact here) and then complete this form. Assessor affiliations are handled by the Scouts HQ and are usually valid for 5 years. Once you receive the email stating you are registered, you should complete the rest of your assessor details on eDofE.