1. Purpose
The Greater London South West Executive Committee exists solely to support its appointed County Commissioner in meeting the posts responsibilities as well as providing support for the Scout Districts of Croydon, Sutton, Wimbledon and Wandle, Royal Kingston and Richmond upon Thames. The Committee has specific responsibilities as set out in 5. below.
2. Composition
Members are appointed in accordance with ‘Policy, Organisation and Rules’ of The Scout Association.
There are 4 categories of County Executive Committee Member.
Ex Officio Members
County Commissioner, County Chair, County Secretary, County Treasurer, County Youth Commissioner
Nominated Members
Nominated by the County Commissioner in consultation with the County Chair. Nominated members must not exceed Elected Members
Elected Members
Drawn from the Greater London South West Scout Council. This is limited to no more than one member per District
Co-opted Members
Co-opted by the full Executive Committee in order to provide specific expertise. The Committee may at its discretion co-opt up to 4 additional members.
The County Commissioner may invite any number of the County Team to report to the Committee. Those invited are not able to vote and are not responsible as trustees. Also available to be invited are nominated youth representatives, Regional/National Development Officers, Headquarters staff.
A minimum of 2 voting members from Elected Members and 2 members of the ex- officio must be present if any decisions are to be ratified or a vote required. Voting members must be 18 and over. All County Committees must have at least two members under the age 35 as part of their membership.
Right of Attendance
Regional Commissioner
3. Duration of appointment
Those who are members by virtue of their appointment remain for the duration of their warrants.
Those who are members by virtue of specific roles remain until election or re-election at the Annual General Meeting of the Greater London South West County Scout Council.
Elected members serve for a period of one year and are so elected/ re-elected at the above Annual General Meeting but must be proposed and seconded by members of the Greater London South West County Scout Council.
Co-opted members and advisers are ratified annually by the County Executive Committee.
Vacancies can be filled by the County Commissioner in consultation with the County Chair, and the decision must be notified at the next the County Executive Committee and reported at the next County Annual General Meeting.
4. Structure
The full County Executive will meet 5 times a year on a regular basis.
Much of the detailed work of the County Executive Committee will be undertaken by a number of sub-committees namely:
Finance committee / Appointments Committee / Awards Committee
Unless specifically identified sub-committees have no delegated powers and only make recommendations to the full County Executive or County Commissioner. Such delegated powers as are conferred must be reported at every Annual General Meeting along with the sub-committees terms of reference and membership.
The sub-committee Chair must report to every Executive Meeting and produce a report for the Annual General Meeting on budget, expenditure and any work–in-progress.
The sub-committee Chair in consultation with the Executive Committee will determine the composition of their sub-committee.
5. Responsibilities
The County Executive Committee is responsible to the Greater London South West County Scout Council for:
The satisfactory running of Great London South West Scouting;
Ensuring the proper use of Greater London South West County Scout Council’s resources;
Supporting scouting in the Greater London South West County;
Compliance with the Policy, Organisation and Rules of The Scout Association;
The County Executive Committee is responsible under the Charities Act 2011;
To demonstrate that our aims are for public benefit.
The members of the County Executive Committee are responsible both corporately and individually as Trustees to the Greater London South West County Scout Council for:
All matters concerning the appropriate management of property and finance;
Maintenance of appropriate insurances and reserves;
Providing systems of internal controls to ensure against material mismanagement and / or loss;
Actively identifying, monitoring and reviewing all risks;
Approval of and presentation to the Annual General Meeting of an Annual Report and Financial Statement;
Organisation of an Annual General Meeting of the Greater London South West County Scout Council;
Compliance with Charitable Trust legislation and the production of associated returns;
Promoting the development of Scouting within Greater London South West County;
Arranging for harmonious co-operation between Districts and between units of The Scout Association and with other organisations;
The raising of funds;
The appointment of sub-committees and their Chair;
Attending to Greater London South West County administration;
Approval of sub-committee budgets;
Development, approval and monitoring of the Greater London South West County Development Plan;
Development, approval and monitoring of the Greater London South West County Budget;
The management as employer of any directly appointed staff.
The County Treasurer as trustee has delegated responsibility for the day to day management of the County’s finances and the maintenance of associated records.